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Data registrazione: Mar 2006
Localitā: Sardegna
Messaggi: 32,333
Drama Master FushigiYuugi Games Winner FushigiYuugi Games Winner 
Predefinito Riferimento: Fushigi Yuugi: Byakko Ibun

vi riporto dei commenti che hanno fatto alla lettura del post del blog:

1. This is a 51 page one-shot, but the serialization is still ahead.
2. The girl in the artwork IS NOT SUZUNO. She explains that this story is a little strange because it isn't about the main character, which breaks the usual pattern. This girl is the main character of this story, but "it's too early to cover her." and "When the actual serialization starts, it will make sense...maybe!"
questo che uscirā dunque č chiamato col termine yomikiri, ovvero un mini prequel che introdurrā la storia di genbu.
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