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Vecchio 28-11-2009, 21:50
L'avatar di miakaxyz
miakaxyz miakaxyz non è connesso
Data registrazione: Mar 2006
Località: Sardegna
Messaggi: 32,333
Drama Master FushigiYuugi Games Winner FushigiYuugi Games Winner 
Predefinito Riferimento: Sakura Gari

non ti preoccupare! ti rifarai sicuramente la prossima volta!
Ormai mancano pochi capitoli al finale!
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Vecchio 22-12-2009, 18:25
L'avatar di miakaxyz
miakaxyz miakaxyz non è connesso
Data registrazione: Mar 2006
Località: Sardegna
Messaggi: 32,333
Drama Master FushigiYuugi Games Winner FushigiYuugi Games Winner 
Predefinito Riferimento: Sakura Gari

Mini sito ufficiale della serie: http://www.y-watase.com/special/sakuragari/index.html
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Vecchio 07-01-2010, 23:04
Mioxe Mioxe non è connesso
Data registrazione: Apr 2009
Località: napoli
Messaggi: 7
Predefinito Riferimento: Sakura Gari

Ciao Buon Anno,
Per caso sapete quando esce il nuovo capitolo?
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Vecchio 08-01-2010, 13:30
L'avatar di miakaxyz
miakaxyz miakaxyz non è connesso
Data registrazione: Mar 2006
Località: Sardegna
Messaggi: 32,333
Drama Master FushigiYuugi Games Winner FushigiYuugi Games Winner 
Predefinito Riferimento: Sakura Gari

Rinka col nuovo capitolo esce il 14 gennaio:
La watase scrive che finalmente verrà svelato il mistero di casa Saiki e se non ho capito male anche qualcosa su Masataka.

e in più nel sito anche un bellissimo wallpaper di Masataka: http://www.y-watase.com/download/wallpaper.html

Ultima modifica di miakaxyz : 08-01-2010 alle ore 13:33.
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Vecchio 12-01-2010, 18:08
L'avatar di Hisoka
Hisoka Hisoka non è connesso
Data registrazione: Oct 2007
Messaggi: 144
Predefinito Riferimento: Sakura Gari

E tutti ad attendere come avvoltoi
Il wall è meraviglioso!!
Per quanto riguarda il fatto che questo sarà l'ultimo capitolo... mi viene una tristezza...
Mi domando se la Watase creerà mai altre storie simili, ma qualcosa mi dice che sarà molto difficile... Sakura Gari comunque è e resta una delle sue opere più mature, sotto tutti i punti di vista.
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Vecchio 19-01-2010, 17:08
L'avatar di miakaxyz
miakaxyz miakaxyz non è connesso
Data registrazione: Mar 2006
Località: Sardegna
Messaggi: 32,333
Drama Master FushigiYuugi Games Winner FushigiYuugi Games Winner 
Predefinito Riferimento: Sakura Gari

per chi non resiste più, vi ho procurato un pò di spoiler su Sakura Gari in inglese!

riassunto del capitolo 8

Well, it starts off with Masataka having dreams about his time at the Souma residents. He knows he doesn't want to go back, but he wants answers in order to end his misery. We see Souma at his home as Abigail after he gets off of his session with his father. He walks in the rain to the Sakura tree thinking only of Masataka. As he stood in the rain, wondering if he'll ever see his love again, he heres a familiar voice. His eyes widen as he turns to see Masataka back after to long. Masataka politely bows and greets his master. Souma immediately runs to hold Masataka in his arms.

Meanwhile, a servant advises Sakurako of Masataka's return and she/he is furious. The old maid is happy to see Masataka back but also seems to question his return. I'm not sure if he asked he what she knew or if she knew what he wanted to ask, but she begins to tell everything she knew. Masataka began to see Souma not as a demon, but as a poor victim to everyones lust. He decided to do his own investigation while Souma is resting in bed with a cold.
After exploring around the house, he ends up at the warehouse, where Sakurako waits for him. Now in the scene, Sakurako does lift up his/her kimono to reveal his/her privates, but I'm not sure if shes teasing him, or he's revealing his big secret. Well, she knew that Masataka would interfere with her/his revenge towards Souma, so she/he decides to take her father sword and try to kill him.
Souma knows something is wrong, so he goes out to search for Masataka. At the warehouse, Masataka is doing what he can to defend himself from Sakurako's attacks. He is finally cornered as Sakurako prepares the final blow when all of the sudden, Souma jumps in to save Masataka. He endures a painful slash across his chest causing Sakurako to tease him. All Souma does his look at his little sibling and is probably asking for her/his forgiveness(again, I'm only guessing by looking at the pics).
Masataka says something to Sakurako that makes her/him panic and run out of the shack that is on fire. Souma is injured pretty badly and looks up at Masataka in such a caring way. As he leans on Souma, I believe he said, "Would you like to die with me?" Masataka holds him tightly in his arms making Souma extremely surprised. I believe Masataka says "Not yet. I need to get you out of here." He then gets Souma out of the warehouse safe and each of their wounds are treated immediately.
In Souma's bedroom, Souma sits Masataka down to tell him everything. Ever since Souma moved into Japan, he became everyones eye candy. No matter who he met or where he went, he was always used sexually. When Sakurako was born, he held his little sibling with such care and love. He adored her/him so much. As he played with her on the rocking chair, his step mother calls him over making Sakurako fall off the horse. Souma tries to help her only to have his step mother drag him out and torture him. His own Stepmother would strap him down, conceal his lips so he wouldn't make a sound, and rape him. Yeah, so his own step mother was messed up as I suspected.
As Souma tells more, Sakurako has pretty much gone insane as he/she tries to kill her/his father. The servants were able to stop her/him. Back to the flashback, you see the young Doctor with Souma. I'm pretty sure the Doctor wanted Souma to himself, so he drugged the Stepmother to free Souma and had Souma make it look like a suicide. Listening to everything Souma had gone through, Masataka began to understand Souma more. As things were about to get good, all of the sudden, the maid runs into the room in horrific panic. You won't believe this........

Everyone runs to the pond in the frozen yard. As snow sprinkled from the sky, they surrounded the pond in awe as Sakurako laid in the lake... thats right. Sakurako committed suicide. Souma couldn't believe it. His psychotic yet beloved sibling is now dead. He walks in the water towards his/her corpse and holds her/him in his arms. Sakurako... is gone....

La terza persona in questa immagine è appunto Sakurako:

"Youya" is the real name of "Sakurako".

traduzione di un commento sul capitolo 9 finale (quindi non è molto chiara)

After the funeral ceremony of the brother of Souma, Masataka (Tagami) didn't say nothing about what Souma did. He forgive Souma. And, Souma forgive Souma's father. Masataka cutted hair of Souma (Souma had a long hair like his mother, to "revenge" on his father. But as Tagami forgive Souma, now Souma wants to forgive his father. Then, his father said sorry to Souma. Now Souma feels better so Tagami cutted the hair of Souma.). Masataka told that he's a son of her mother who was raped by a man who isn't her husband. That's why Masataka was a little bit pessimiste (?), and loved but hated his little brother. And they... slept together, and Souma told "I love you" to Masataka. Masataka replied "I'm always yours, in all life". But next day, Masataka had to gone from the house of Souma (= ? maybe because he could passed his exam of the university ?). And !!!!! Kato agressed Souma with a knife. Because Tanaka is the father of the brother of Souma, and this boy loved Souma as you know. So Tanaka wanted to kill Souma and send him to heaven where his son went. Souma is injured, and go to under the tree of cherry blossom and says : "I'll live, because you told me that I have to live", the END... Hmm, finally this is a happy end ?

Riguardo alla scena finale, la Watase in un'intervista ha dato questa spiegazione:

Watase says "Me I think, someone who has decided to continue de live, doesn't die. Me, I write a cherry blossom as a symbole of life, not as a symbole of die"

Alcune fonti dicono che la Watase abbia dichiarato di aver pensato di creare una continuazione di Sakura Gari.

Ed ecco alcune foto delle scan raw del capitolo 9:

il taglio dei capelli
alcuni momenti tra Souma e Masataka
Souma ferito
l'ultima pagina


Ultima modifica di miakaxyz : 19-01-2010 alle ore 17:14.
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Vecchio 19-01-2010, 18:53
L'avatar di Hisoka
Hisoka Hisoka non è connesso
Data registrazione: Oct 2007
Messaggi: 144
Predefinito Riferimento: Sakura Gari

Io sto attendendo le scan come un avvoltoio
Mi riferisco al capitolo 9, speriamo escano presto... mi va bene qualsiasi lingua
Per quanto riguarda la traduzione del cap. 8... siamo ancora in attesa... chissà se ce la faranno mai a postarlo
Spero di sì, anche perché vorremmo capire bene cosa dicono, grazie comunque per il riassunto.

Per quanto riguarda la pinup a colori del cap. 8... quello con Soma adulto, Masataka e Soma bambino... Un appunto: quello piccolo non è Sakurako ( che avrebbe comunque i capelli chiari, fossero anche corti ) ma è sempre Soma nella sua versione bimbo. Infatti nel capitolo 8, quando Soma racconta il suo passato a Masataka abbiamo modo di vederlo seduto a letto con le sembianze di quando era ragazzino. Del resto nel corso del manga più volte Masataka ha visto Soma con quell'aspetto. Insomma è una immagine un po' particolare e molto di fantasia ma è sempre Soma
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Vecchio 19-01-2010, 20:46
L'avatar di miakaxyz
miakaxyz miakaxyz non è connesso
Data registrazione: Mar 2006
Località: Sardegna
Messaggi: 32,333
Drama Master FushigiYuugi Games Winner FushigiYuugi Games Winner 
Predefinito Riferimento: Sakura Gari

io avevo capito che era Sakurako coi capelli corti....comunque ora mi sono procurata le raw del capitolo 8 e me lo sfoglio!
grazie per il chiarimento!
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Vecchio 20-01-2010, 21:17
Mioxe Mioxe non è connesso
Data registrazione: Apr 2009
Località: napoli
Messaggi: 7
Predefinito Riferimento: Sakura Gari

noooooooooooooo ma cioè ke cavolo è quella scans con Soma sporco di sangue adesso mi farò i film in testa fino a morire................
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Vecchio 30-01-2010, 13:55
L'avatar di Hisoka
Hisoka Hisoka non è connesso
Data registrazione: Oct 2007
Messaggi: 144
Predefinito Riferimento: Sakura Gari

Intanto le raw del cap. 9 sono state postate sul LJ
Purtroppo ancora nessuna novità per quanto riguarda la traduzione degli ultimi due capitoli, speriamo che qualche anima pia possa postare delle translation
Mi piacerebbe tanto poter leggere anche l'intervista della Watase...

Avete visto che bella scena d'amore c'è nel cap. 9?
Una tra le più belle scene d'amore delll'universo yaoi! *_*
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manga, sakura gari, scanlations, yuu watase

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